I have this array for my web service : {"update":true,"msg":"Logged in Bro","role":"admin"}
Now, I need to use this in Android to work around my application beyond login. So what I need here is a way to format this data into namevaluepairs or individual variables so that I can use them.
I am currently using this but it force closes my application :
try {
JSONObject jsonRootObject = new JSONObject(result);
//Get the instance of JSONArray that contains JSONObjects
JSONArray jsonArray = jsonRootObject.optJSONArray("");
//Iterate the jsonArray and print the info of JSONObjects
for(int i=0; i < jsonArray.length(); i++){
JSONObject jsonObject = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i);
update = jsonObject.optString(jsonObject.optString("update").toString());
message = jsonObject.optString("msg").toString();
role = jsonObject.optString(jsonObject.optString("role").toString());
} catch (JSONException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
To parse the JSON you provided you need something like this:
JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(jsonString);
update = jsonObject.optBoolean("update");
message = jsonObject.optString("msg");
role = jsonObject.optString("role");