
onsen notification to auto close after a set time

Hi I am using Onsen as part of a AngularJS Phonegap/Cordova project.

I was wondering is it possible to to automatically close an Onsen notification after a set time. Also is it possible to not include the button?

My current notification is shown below:

var notifyAutoClose = function(title, message) {
        var options = {
            title: title,
            message: message,
            buttonLabel: '', //Don't show button if possible
            animation: 'default'

If it is not possible what would be the best non-bootstrap alternative when using AngularJS.

Thank you so much for your time!


  • You should create a custom dialog using ons-dialog directive.

    Check this code (demo):

          <div class="center">Dialog</div>
        <ons-list ng-controller="DialogController">
          <ons-list-item ng-click="show('customdialog.html','Dialog title', 'it will close after 2 seconds')" modifier="tappable">
             Custom dialog
    <ons-template id="customdialog.html">
       <ons-dialog var="dialog" modifier="android">
         <ons-toolbar modifier="android">
           <div class="center">{{title}}</div>
         <p style="text-align:center;margin-top:50px">{{message}}</p>
    .controller('DialogController', function($scope) {
       $ = function(dlg,title,message) {
         ons.createDialog(dlg,{parentScope:$scope}).then(function(dialog) {