Given an adjacency list Map<Vertex, Set<Vertex>>
for a DAG, I want to calculate the reachability of every vertex (i.e. if there there is path from u to v).
static Map<Vertex, Set<Vertex>> reachability(Map<Vertex, Set<Vertex>> adjList) {}
I know it is possible using Floyd-Warshall in O(V^3)
// Convert adjList to adjacency matrix mat
void reachability(boolean mat[][]) {
final int N = mat.length;
for (int k = 0; k < N; k++)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
mat[i][j] |= mat[i][k] && mat[k][j];
But I have a sparse graph (and an adjacency list), so what is the fastest way to do this?
Here is a simple O(|V||E|)
solution in Scala (basically, for each vertex, do a DFS):
type AdjList[A] = Map[A, Set[A]]
def transitiveClosure[A](adjList: AdjList[A]): AdjList[A] = {
def dfs(seen: Set[A])(u: A): Set[A] = {
require(!seen(u), s"Cycle detected with $u in it")
(adjList(u) filterNot seen flatMap dfs(seen + u)) + u
adjList.keys map {u =>
u -> dfs(Set.empty)(u)
} toMap
Executable version here: