I am trying to run a Kshell script via Java process builder. The script itself works perfectly when run on the server. However, when I run it via process builder I am getting exit code 127 - command not found
ProcessBuilder procBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(command);
procBuilder.directory(new File(codeDir));
proc = procBuilder.start();
errorCode = proc.waitFor();
return errorCode;
My command look like:
[/bin/ksh, -c, myscript.ksh, 20150714]
I run the script on the server by itself using following command:
ksh -x myscript.ksh 20150714
any idea what is going on wrong here?
Gave up on procesbuilder and tried common-exec and it worked perfectly. Here is my updated code:
CommandLine cmdLine = CommandLine.parse(command);
for (String comm : cmd)
DefaultExecutor exec = new DefaultExecutor();
exec.setWorkingDirectory(new File(codeDir));
exitCode = exec.execute(cmdLine);
Hope it help someone in the future.