I have successfully implemented dropbox login on local machine using dropbox-js.
The authentication is performed with the following function:
router.get('/dropbox', isAuthenticated, function(req, res, next) {
var isLoggedIn = !!req.user;
var dropboxClient = req.app.get('dropboxClient');
dropboxClient.authenticate(function(error, client) {
if (error) {
dropboxClient.readdir("/", function(error, entries) {
if (error) {
console.log(error); // Something went wrong.
return 0;
var folders = getFolders(entries);
console.log("Your Dropbox contains " + folders.join(", "));
res.render('settings', { title: 'Express', loggedIn: isLoggedIn, folders: folders });
the dropboxClient is defined in app.js as follows:
var dropboxClient = new Dropbox.Client({
key: dropboxConfig.dropbox.app_key,
secret: dropboxConfig.dropbox.app_secret
dropboxClient.authDriver(new Dropbox.AuthDriver.NodeServer(8191));
and the OAuth 2 redirect URI defined in dropbox app console is the following:
As mentioned, when the app is running locally, everything works fine, but when I transfer it on cloud platform I get the response 502 (Bad gateway).
I tried to add the OAuth2 redirect URI myapp.evennode.com:8912/oauth_callback
but it is not working. Has anyone managed to successfully implement dropbox authentication on any cloud platform (heroku, evennode...) using dropbox-js?
I would appreciate any help.
is for testing purposes... it listens on localhost and opens a browser on the local machine (which certainly won't work when deployed elsewhere).
If you're trying to auth in the browser, see https://blogs.dropbox.com/developers/2013/12/writing-a-file-with-the-dropbox-javascript-sdk/ for a basic example using dropbox.js
If you need to use the server-side flow in node.js, dropbox.js
won't be of much help. See https://github.com/smarx/othw/tree/master/Node.js for a simple example.