
Yii2: $loadedModules does not show all modules

Created module "forum" - exactly as written here. Then created nested module "admin":

//"Module.php" in '@app/modules/forum'
namespace app\modules\forum;

class Module extends \yii\base\Module {
    public function init() {
        \Yii::configure($this, require(__DIR__ . '/config.php'));

        $this->modules = [
            'admin' => [
                // here is my nested module
                'class' => 'app\modules\forum\modules\admin\Module',

Also created a non-nested module "games" (in the same way) and wrote in "web.php" (main config-file):

'modules' => [
    'forum' => [
        'class' => 'app\modules\forum\Module',
    'games' => [
        'class' => 'app\modules\games\Module',
    'admin' => [
        'class' => 'app\modules\forum\modules\admin\Module',

But when I tried to output:

// codeline is written in application view, not in module view

I saw only these modules:

array(4) {
  string(19) "yii\web\Application"
  string(16) "yii\debug\Module"
  string(14) "yii\gii\Module"
  string(24) "app\modules\forum\Module"


"Games" and nested "admin" modules are absent! Although doc says:

$loadedModules property keeps a list of loaded modules, including both direct children and nested ones, indexed by their class names.

But I could get only "forum" myself-created module. What am I understanding wrong?


  • As documentation says:

    $loadedModules property keeps a list of loaded modules

    which mean that it keeps modules that loaded in current request. E.g. if you are on module's page it will contain app\modules\forum\Module but if you on where site is controller's name $loadedModules will contain only modules that are set in $bootstrap config property.

    To get list of all modules call Yii::$app->modules. Note that $loadedModules contains app itself since it extends Module class. Yii::$app->modules contains all modules from app config modules property.