I am overriding NSResponder’s mouseEntered(theEvent: NSEvent)
method and want to retrieve the value I set when creating a NSTrackingArea in Swift. I am using this constructor to create the NSTrackingArea and pass the following object as userInfo
let trackerData = ["myTrackerKey": view]
let trackingArea = NSTrackingArea(rect: trackingRect, options: [.EnabledDuringMouseDrag, .MouseEnteredAndExited, .ActiveInActiveApp], owner: self, userInfo: trackerData)
(view : NSView
as well as trackingRect : NSRect
do exist)
I am setting trackerData
as userInfo
so I can read it later in mouseEntered(theEvent: NSEvent)
override func mouseEntered(theEvent: NSEvent) {
// This does not work
let data1 = theEvent.userData as [NSObject : AnyObject]
let data2 = theEvent.userData as [String : NSView]
let data3 = theEvent.userData as NSDictionary
My code is based on this Objective-C Sample Code provided by Apple. To quote line 372 of SuggestionsWindowController.m
HighlightingView *view = [(NSDictionary*)[event userData] objectForKey: kTrackerKey];
So how can I read the event’s userData
I have looked at this StackOverflow Q&A but it does not work.
If you want to read trackerData
from the event, you have to get the user info from the tracking area
if let userInfo = theEvent.trackingArea?.userInfo {
let trackerData = userInfo["myTrackerKey"]! as! NSView
// do something with the view