I'm using this class to fill pixels of a bitmap based on the LockBits function:
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal
Public Class Fill
Public Shared Function Process(ByVal b As Bitmap) As Bitmap
Dim bmd As BitmapData = _
b.LockBits(New Rectangle(0, 0, b.Width, b.Height), _
System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb)
Dim scan0 As IntPtr = bmd.Scan0
Dim stride As Integer = bmd.Stride
' Here's the speedier method.
' define an array to store each pixels color as an int32
Dim pixels(b.Width * b.Height - 1) As Integer
' this is system.runtime.interopservices.marshall.copy
Copy(scan0, pixels, 0, pixels.Length)
' loop through all pixels and fill
For i As Integer = 0 To pixels.Length - 1
pixels(i) = Color.Red.ToArgb
' Copy the data back from the array to the locked memory
Copy(pixels, 0, scan0, pixels.Length)
' finally we unlock the bits.
Return b
End Function
End Class
Now, instead of filling all the pixels, I need to fill an ellipse (actually it's going to be many ellipses, that's why I use LockBits), so I googled for a way to draw an ellipse pixel by pixel using some kind of formula, but I didn't find much help, also I'm not good with this math stuff. So, my question is: how to create an array of pixels that forms a filled ellipse? thank you
I'll explain exactly what I'm trying to do, so it might help you understand my situation.. Actually, I'm working on a function that's supposed to generate filled ellipses with random width & height (in specific range) on a specific area of a bitmap, while the filled pixels must have a percentage of the total number of pixels in that area, that's why I need to draw the ellipse pixel by pixel (or using an array of pixels) to keep track of the number of filled pixels.
The formula for all the points inside an ellipse is:
(x - h) * (x - h) / a * a + (y - k) * (y - k) / b * b <= 1
x,y are the coordinates of any point on the ellipse
a, b are the radius on the x and y axes respectively
h,k the coordinates of the center
So the code:
Dim h, k, a, b, x, y As Integer
Dim res As Double
'arbitrary values of ellipse
h = 200
k = 200
a = 80
b = 60
For x = h - a To h + a
For y = k - b To k + b
res = CDbl((x - h) * (x - h)) / CDbl(a * a) + CDbl((y - k) * (y - k)) / CDbl(b * b)
If res <= 1.0 Then
'the point (x, y) is inside
End If