
Make package in R not required to load when I startup R/RStudio?

I have looked extensively to find the answer to this before asking and could not find the answer, but if its out there please point me to it. Every time I start R studio I have packages that load automatically like:

Loading required package: RMySQL
Loading required package: DBI
Loading required package: cocor
Loading required package: RMySQL

I would like these packages to stop loading automatically every time I start R studio, and have tried uninstalling and reinstalling R and R studio in addition to the following:


For all three of these packages and it doesn't work. Please help! Thank you.

sapply(ls(), function(x) class(get(x)))
named list()


  • From the comments you've posted, it looks like you're running Windows. The location for a user .RProfile can be shown using:

    (my_rprofile <- file.path(Sys.getenv("R_USER"), ".RProfile"))

    You can then check whether that file exists using:


    and if this returns TRUE, open it for editing using:


    If the file isn't there, try:


    and if TRUE:


    If you execute this command within RStudio, you should get a window open with the current contents of your .RProfile. I suspect it includes something along the lines of:


    which you then need to remove as appropriate before saving.

    Other things to check:

    # should be blank
    # should give an error that .First not found

    If .First is set and you don't have a .RProfile file, you might have it defined in file.path(Sys.getenv("R_USER"), ".RData") and it would be worth renaming that file (or disabling restoring .RData in the RStudio options.

    Even if .First is undefined, I'd still try loading R/RStudio without restoring from .RData since it may be that you're restoring some S4 objects which depend on those packages.