
Why LongListSelector ItemTemplate Doesn't Show Anything?

I need a pivot page that in every pivot page there is a longlistselector to list the data...

this is the code that i write when i create a simple pivot page

<phone:PivotItem Header="all">
            <phone:LongListSelector Name="AllNotes"
                        <StackPanel Background="White"
                            <TextBlock Text="aaaa">


but there isn't anything in the pivot item

i mean by defining a data template and then a stackpanel, there is nothing shown in the pivot item

can you help me ti figure out whats happening exactly?


  • I finally solve this problem in the way that I don't believe it!

    The answer is that we have to start writing the application in the base of Pivot Application !!!

    That I don't believe this in the first place!

    But Thank You Anyway :)