
Convert iOS project to 64 bit using ConvertCocoa64 script

I need to convert my iOS project to 64-bit friendly (to get rid of compiler warnings, as in this question. The solution apparently is to run ConvertCocoa64.

I've managed to locate ConvertCocoa64 (which is no longer included in /Developer/Extras/64BitConversion/ConvertCocoa64) as the Apple docs suggest, but here (search for Auxiliary Tools)

So I've download the script. But my question is, how do I run this on my project? Please assume a total newbie level of knowledge here when it comes to the terminal and running scripts. Do I drop the script inside my project folder and just double click it? Or do I access it from the terminal? The docs say run this command:

/Developer/Extras/64BitConversion/ConvertCocoa64 `find . -name '*.[hm]' | xargs`

But since that folder doesn't exist, where do I run it?. I tried dropping the script in the Developer folder, but when I type ConvertCocoa64 it says command not found.


  • If I'm not mistaking, to run script, you should place dot . before command. Doesn't really matters, where script is situated as long, as it doesn't rely on it heavily

    > cd ~/path/to/script/dir/
    > ./ConvertCocoa64 ...