
Windbg !heap -s and !heap -stat commands don't agree on output

I have a memory dump. In this dump I have a heap with handle fd00000. This is an excerpt from the output of !heap -s fd00000 command:

 0: Heap 0fd00000
 Flags          00001002 - HEAP_GROWABLE 
 Reserved memory in segments              80192 (k)
 Commited memory in segments              56540 (k)
 Virtual bytes (correction for large UCR) 60592 (k)
 Free space                               3884 (k) (572 blocks)
 External fragmentation          6% (572 free blocks)
 Virtual address fragmentation   6% (69 uncommited ranges)
 Virtual blocks  124 - total 0 KBytes
 Lock contention 23
 Segments        1

You see that it shows summary information as expected. But the ouptut of !heap -stat -h 0fd00000 shows the following:

 heap @ 0fd00000
 group-by: TOTSIZE max-display: 20
 size     #blocks     total     ( %) (percent of total busy bytes)
 19fa40 7a - c614280  (93.96)
 62d30 4 - 18b4c0  (0.73)
 d49 13d - 107365  (0.49)

It is all hexadecimal, so from here I see that "total busy bytes" exceed 205 MBytes. So you see that !heap -s tells me that this heap has 80 MB/60 MB of Reserved/Virtual memory, while !heap -stat tells me that this heap occupies 205 MBytes. The descrepancy is so huge. How this is possible? When I run !heap -s I see multiple entries like this:

Virtual block: 293c0000 - 293c0000 (size 00000000)

Maybe this is the reason?


  • Some !heap switches are known to behave incorrectly when large allocations flow through the Heap Manager. The Heap Manager will forward large allocations directly to VirtualAlloc, and while some of the !heap commands know how to keep track of these allocations, other commands do not. You should also try updating your WinDbg version to the most recent Windows SDK, because the !heap commands are intimately tied to the Heap Manager's internal data structures, which change with Windows versions.

    I recommend using VMMap in such situations to detect large allocation sources.