
JFace wizard passing variables

I'm trying to produce a wizard using the Wizard class (org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard)

Basically where I extend the Wizard in the constructor I addPage the two pages I want.

On my first page I take some credentials.

On the second page I want to run a query against the database using the credentials from the first page to populate a table with names.

How do I go about passing these values from the first to the second page?

To all intents and purposes my code at present is the same as except I obtain some strings from some text boxes on the first page and have a table on the second page.

I have read about containers and see there is a setData() method, is this something I can utilize?


  • I like to create my data object in the Wizard and pass it into the constructor of each of my WizardPages. For example:

    public void addPages() {
      data = new MyData()
      addPage(new FirstPage(data));
      addPage(new SecondPage(data));

    One advantage to this approach is you have access to your data object during your wizard's performFinish.