
Errors when running Language-Solution in MPS

I'm developing an DSL with jetbrains MPS. It's not obvious to use, but I succeeded so far with the design-part. It's possible to right-click on a solutions node and "run" it, assuming the language is executable (extends executing.util). Plus I use a seperately developed jar as a library (used by the generator).

I build a new project to test, as simple as possible, added some extra nodes and loops in the generator, the error occures and it can't be undone.

As far as I can see, there are several possible sources of errors.

Executing "run" causes the following error:

error: could not find or load main class MySolution.package.map_concept

Has some of you out there experience with this? Tell me, if there are some extra information that would help.


  • It seems that you have added the jar file as a model to the language, which makes it invisible for the solution. Following the instructions at https://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/MPSD32/Getting+the+dependencies+right#Gettingthedependenciesright-AddingexternalJavaclassesandjarstoaprojectruntimesolutions and creating a separate library solution worked for me.