I am trying to get the array mean and covariance matrix from a data structure that is 1000x2
using incanter
My test case looks as such
(ns test.mean-cov
(:require clojure.string
[incanter.core :as in-core]
[incanter.stats :as in-stats])
(:use clojure.java.io))
(def test-mat [[1 2] [2 2]])
(in-stats/mean test-mat)
which I am running in LighTable.
The error I get is this:
java.lang.ClassCastException: clojure.lang.PersistentList cannot be cast to java.lang.Number
Numbers.java:1104 clojure.lang.Numbers.double_array
stats.clj:1492 incanter.stats/mean
I cannot quite say that I understand this, and unfortunately my Googling is not helping. Could someone offer a simple explanation and solution?
Naturally one awful way of doing it would be
(def c1 (first (transpose test-mat)))
(def c2 (second (transpose test-mat)))
(def data-cov-mat [[(in-stats/covariance c1 c1) (in-stats/covariance c1 c2)] [(in-stats/covariance c2 c1) (in-stats/covariance c2 c2)]])
Full disclosure: I am new to clojure.
For matrix covariance you need to use the following:
(in-stats/covariance (in-core/matrix test-mat))
and for the matrix mean vector:
(mapv in-stats/mean (in-core/trans test-mat))