
Synchronously sort multiple separate arrays by sorting one array naturally

I have three arrays that are synced with the same key and I need to natsort and apply array_values() to array1 while keeping array2 and array3 in sync with the new keys set for array1 by array_values().

I need to sort the first array naturally and have the other arrays' elements moved to new positions so that columns remain related.

Input arrays:

$array1 = ['OA.3', 'OA.8', 'OA.6', 'OA.2'];
$array2 = [4, 1, 5, 3];
$array3 = [3, 1, 5, 0];

Desired result:

$array1 = ['OA.2', 'OA.3', 'OA.6', 'OA.8'];
$array2 = [3, 4, 5, 1];
$array3 = [0, 3, 5, 1];

Is there some way to keep all three of these arrays in sync during the natsort() and array_values() sorting of $array1? The final result of array2 and array3 show the new keys matching the final result of array1's sorting and re-keying.


  • You can use the keys of array A after the natsort, to sort the array B and C... Example:

    function pre($a) { echo '<pre>'; print_r( $a ); echo '</pre>'; }
    $a = array(
      0 => 'OA.3',
      1 => 'OA.8',
      2 => 'OA.6',
      3 => 'OA.2'
    $b = array (
      0 => '4',
      1 => '1',
      2 => '5',
      3 => '3'
    $c = array (
      0 => 3,
      1 => 1,
      2 => 5,
      3 => 0,
    pre( $a );
    natsort( $a );
    pre( $a );
    foreach( $a AS $key => $var ) {
        $bb[] = $b[ $key ];
        $cc[] = $c[ $key ];
    echo '$bb:<br />';
    pre( $bb );
    echo '$cc:<br />';
    pre( $cc );

    You can apply array_values() on array $a, $bb and $cc after the sorting is done.

    Note: pre is just to print the array's inbetween and has no other function.