I have a 2*2 cell array which every element of it is a 2*2 matrix called m1,m2,m3,m4.I want to convert this cell array to a matrix of size 4*4 so that my gernerated matrix will be M=[m1 m2;m3 m4].I have tried using cell2mat function which gives me 2*8 matrix and then reshaping it to 4*4 but this does not work.
Can anyone help me to do this with matlab?
and please give a general code for different size of cell arrays and matrix sizes because in my code based on input number cell array and matrix sizes changes.
should work. Depending on what you want, you may need a transpose:
>> m1 = [1 2; 3 4];
>> m2 = [11 12; 13 14];
>> m3 = [21 12; 23 14];
>> m4 = [31 32; 33 34];
>> myCell = {m1, m2; m3 m4};
>> cell2mat(myCell)
ans =
1 2 11 12
3 4 13 14
21 12 31 32
23 14 33 34
>> cell2mat(myCell.')
ans =
1 2 21 12
3 4 23 14
11 12 31 32
13 14 33 34