With Powershell I have a Windows form, dynamically generating several text boxes. I use a validation on each textbox, then use an ErrorProvider to alert if the validation fails.
This is working fine for displaying the error '!' notification. Is there a way to check how many errors are left?
My pseudo-code would say:
Or do I need to maintain a separate logic to see when the errors have been rectified? (The ErrorProvider check below is just a placeholder, I have no idea what to put there!)
$objectList | where {$_ -is [System.Windows.Forms.TextBox] } | foreach-object {
Validate-Input $_
if ($ErrorProvider -eq $null) { #This is where I'm stuck
So judging from the response here there is no built in way to reference the amount of errors remaining. Taking the advice of that thread and porting it to Powershell I implemented the following:
When setting or clearing an error use the following:
Set an error: $errTable.set_item("$($curTB.name)","1")
Clearing an error: $errTable.remove("$($curTB.name)")
Use the following code in the 'add_click' section:
If ($errTable.count -le "0") { $form.close() }
Seems to work well and be pretty shorthand.