
Loop Around File Mapping Kills Performance

I have a circular buffer which is backed with file mapped memory (the buffer is in the size range of 8GB-512GB).

I am writing to (8 instances of) this memory in a sequential manner from the beginning to the end at which point it loops around back to the beginning.

It works fine until it reaches the end where it needs to perform two file mappings and loop around the memory, at which point IO performance is totally trashed and doesn't recover (even after several minutes). I can't quite figure it out.

using namespace boost::interprocess;

class mapping


  mapping(file_mapping& file, mode_t mode, std::size_t file_size, std::size_t offset, std::size_t size)
    : offset_(offset)
    , mode_(mode)
    const auto aligned_size         = page_ceil(size + page_size());
    const auto aligned_file_size    = page_floor(file_size);
    const auto aligned_file_offset  = page_floor(offset % aligned_file_size);
    const auto region1_size         = std::min(aligned_size, aligned_file_size - aligned_file_offset);
    const auto region2_size         = aligned_size - region1_size;

    if (region2_size)
      const auto region1_address  = mapped_region(file, read_only, 0, (region1_size + region2_size) * 2).get_address(); 
      const auto region2_address  = reinterpret_cast<char*>(region1_address) + region1_size;  

      region1_ = mapped_region(file, mode, aligned_file_offset, region1_size, region1_address);
      region2_ = mapped_region(file, mode, 0,                   region2_size, region2_address);
      region1_ = mapped_region(file, mode, aligned_file_offset, region1_size);
      region2_ = mapped_region();

    size_ = region1_.get_size() + region2_.get_size();
    offset_ = aligned_file_offset;

  auto offset() const   -> std::size_t  { return offset_; }
  auto size() const     -> std::size_t  { return size_; }
  auto data() const     -> const void*  { return region1_.get_address(); }
  auto data()           -> void*        { return region1_.get_address(); }
  auto flush(bool async = true) -> void
  auto mode() const -> mode_t { return mode_; }

  std::size_t   offset_ = 0;
  std::size_t   size_ = 0;
  mode_t        mode_;
  mapped_region region1_;
  mapped_region region2_;

struct loop_mapping::impl final
  std::tr2::sys::path         file_path_;
  file_mapping                file_mapping_;    
  std::size_t                 file_size_;
  std::size_t                 map_size_     = page_floor(256000000ULL);

  std::shared_ptr<mapping>    mapping_ = std::shared_ptr<mapping>(new mapping());
  std::shared_ptr<mapping>    prev_mapping_;

  bool                        write_;

  impl(std::tr2::sys::path path, bool write)
    : file_path_(std::move(path))
    , file_mapping_(file_path_.string().c_str(), write ? read_write : read_only)
    , file_size_(page_floor(std::tr2::sys::file_size(file_path_)))
    , write_(write)
    REQUIRE(file_size_ >= map_size_ * 3);


  auto data(std::size_t offset, std::size_t size, boost::optional<bool> write_opt) -> void*
    offset = offset % page_floor(file_size_);

    REQUIRE(size < file_size_ - map_size_ * 3);

    const auto write = write_opt.get_value_or(write_);

    REQUIRE(!write || write_);          

    if ((write && mapping_->mode() == read_only) || offset < mapping_->offset() || offset + size >= mapping_->offset() + mapping_->size())
      auto new_mapping = std::make_shared<loop::mapping>(file_mapping_, write ? read_write : read_only, file_size_, page_floor(offset), std::max(size + page_size(), map_size_));

      if (mapping_)
        mapping_->flush((new_mapping->offset() % file_size_) < (mapping_->offset() % file_size_));

      if (prev_mapping_)

      prev_mapping_ = std::move(mapping_);
      mapping_    = std::move(new_mapping);

    return reinterpret_cast<char*>(mapping_->data()) + offset - mapping_->offset();


// 8 processes to 8 different files 128GB each.
loop_mapping loop(...);
for (auto n = 0; true; ++n)
     auto src = get_new_data(5000000/8);
     auto dst = loop.data(n * 5000000/8, 5000000/8, true);
     std::memcpy(dst, src, 5000000/8); // This becomes very slow after loop around.

Any ideas?

Target System:


  • 8 buffers each 8 to 512GiB in size on a system with 48GiB of physical memory means that your mapping will have to be swapped. No surprise there.
    The issue, as you have already remarked yourself, is that prior to being able to write to a page, you encounter a fault, and the page is read in. That doesn't happen on the first run, since merely a zero page is used. To make matters worse, reading in pages again competes with write-behind of dirty pages.

    Now, there is unluckily no way of telling Windows "I'm going to overwrite this anyway", nor is there any way of making the disk load your stuff faster. However, you can start the transfer earlier (maybe when you're 3/4 through the buffer).

    Windows Server 2012 (which you're using) supports PrefetchVirtualMemory which is a somewhat half-assed substitute for POSIX madvise(MADV_WILLNEED).

    That is, of course, not exactly what you want to do when you already know that you will overwrite the complete memory page (or several of them) anyway, but it is as good as you can get. It's worth a try in any case.

    Ideally, you would want to do something like a destructive madvise(MADV_DONTNEED) as implemented e.g. under Linux (and I believe FreeBSD, too) immediately before you overwrite a page, but I am not aware of any way of doing this under Windows (...short of destroying the view and the mapping and mapping from scratch, but then you throw away all data, so that's a bit useless).

    Even with prefetching early you will still be limited by disk I/O bandwidth, but at least you can hide the latency.

    Another "obvious" (but probably not that easy) solution would be to make the consumer faster. That would allow for a smaller buffer to begin with, and even on a huge buffer it would keep the working set smaller (both producer and consumer force pages into RAM while accessing them, so if the consumer accesses data with less delay after the producer has written them, they will both be using mostly the same set of pages.) Smaller working sets fit into RAM more easily.
    But I realize that you probably didn't choose a several-gigabyte buffer for no reason.