I am reading a button's state (whether being pressed or not) every moment:
readButton :: IO Boolean
readButton = ...
main = do
(add, fire) <- newAddHandler
network <- compile (desc add)
actuate network
forever $ do
buttonState <- readButton
fire buttonState
desc addButtonEvent = do
eButtonState <- fromAddHandler addButtonEvent
All the read states are stored into eButtonState
in the network description desc
The button is considered to be newly pressed when the current moment's state is 1
with the previous moment's being 0
. So, if the event sequence was a list, the function would be written like this:
f :: [Bool] -> Bool
f (True:False:_) = True
f _ = False
I want to apply this function to eButtonState
so I would know whether the button is newly pressed or not in the moment.
Is it ever possible? How would you do it? I would appreciate if there is a better or more common idea or method to achieve this goal.
Here is one way (this is a runnable demo):
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative -- Needed if you aren't on GHC 7.10.
desc addDriver = do
-- Refreshes the button state. Presumably fired by external IO.
eButtonDriver <- fromAddHandler addDriver
let -- Canonical repersentation of the button state.
bButtonState = stepper False eButtonDriver
-- Observes the button just before changing its state.
ePreviousState = bButtonState <@ eButtonDriver
-- Performs the test your f function would do.
newlyPressed :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
newlyPressed previous current = not previous && current
-- Applies the test. This works because eButtonDriver and
-- ePreviousState are fired simultaneously.
eNewlyPressed = unionWith newlyPressed
ePreviousState eButtonDriver
-- The same but more compactly, without needing ePreviousState.
eNewlyPressed = newlyPressed <$> bButtonState <@> eButtonDriver
reactimate (print <$> eNewlyPressed)
main = do
(addDriver, fireDriver) <- newAddHandler
network <- compile (desc addDriver)
actuate network
-- Demo: enter y to turn the button on, and any other string to
-- turn it off.
forever $ do
buttonState <- (== "y") <$> getLine
fireDriver buttonState
), which is updated by an event fired externally (eButtonDriver
). Reactive.Banana.Combinators
function might be useful. Be aware of the caveats related to it mentioned by the documentation.