I'm using UserFrosting and so far I've been able to import all of the default elements into the home page. However, I've now added a second page but nothing happened when I copied the following code from the home page:
{% include 'common/components/head.html' %}
<rest of code>
{% include 'common/components/main-nav.html' %}
<rest of code>
{% include 'common/components/footer.html' %}
{% include 'common/components/jumbotron-links.html' %}
I then used the following php code:
<?php include("../userfrosting/templates/common/components/head.html"); ?>
Which seems to work but the page only shows this code found within the head.html file:
{% for item in includeCSS(page_group|default("common")) %} {% endfor %} {% for item in includeJSTop(page_group|default("common")) %} {% endfor %}
Which obviously is not very useful!
When I keep the home and page2.php file in the same folder (in localhost/userfrosting/templates/common) then I receive Error 404. When I move the file to the default UserFrosting home page directory (which the home.html file isn't actually in) in localhost/public, I get only the above code.
It seems like I'm missing something quite basic here but would appreciate some help. Thanks.
You are confusing PHP files and template files. UserFrosting uses a front controller pattern along with the Twig templating engine. So, you do not need a separate PHP file for each page. Instead, you should create a new template file for your page:
{% include 'common/components/head.html' %}
// DO NOT use PHP here - just Twig! See the Twig documentation: http://twig.sensiolabs.org/doc/templates.html
{% include 'common/components/main-nav.html' %}
// More Twig
{% include 'common/components/jumbotron-links.html' %}
{% include 'common/components/footer.html' %}
Then you need to link up a URL with this template. That is done in the controller, public/index.php
, for example like this:
// Miscellaneous pages
$app->get('/page2/?', function () use ($app) {
$app->render('common/page2.html', [
'page' => [
'author' => $app->site->author,
'title' => "Page Deuce",
'description' => "This is the second page, aight?",
'alerts' => $app->alerts->getAndClearMessages()
I highly recommend going through the tutorial on adding a new page: https://learn.userfrosting.com/building-pages
You can also learn more about MVC, Slim, and Twig here: https://learn.userfrosting.com/basics/overview
Feel free to join in chat if you are still having trouble.