I recently ported an app over from Ionic framework. My app utilized socket.io, which worked flawlessly in ionic.
It does not work properly in steroids / supersonic. I am getting the following when the client tries to connect to my nodejs server using socket.io:
Cannot use wildcard in Access-Control-Allow-Origin when credentials flag is true.
Why am I getting this in supersonic when I did not have this error in ionic? Currently the server has the following in .htaccess:
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin http://localhost:8100
My socket.io script is loaded in common/layout.html
which means it gets loaded with all views in the app.
The node.js server has not changed and is configured similar to the basic socket.io docs.
I am stumped. There are a million and one posts around the net about this particular error with a million and one suggestions on how to fix......none of which has helped me solve this. Since this is a mobile hybrid app, there won't be an origin sent from the client when the app is running on a real device. But for now I am on the iOS emulator and using Safari inspector to see why I can't keep a socket.io connection.
I have tried to use the express cors package and other method to override the '*' wildcard setting with a specific origin:
Nothing seems to help.
The Supersonic app had config settings in app.coffee like this:
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*"
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Content-Type, X-Requested-With"
as documented here:
What a nightmare hack for using socket.io (and probably other web services)!!!
I changed to :
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "http://localhost"
...and was able to connect with my socket.io server.