I have made a custom UITableViewCell called "SwitchCell" that has a switch.
In iOS9 Only, using Xcode 7 beta, the Content view in the cell is on top of the switch. (See screenshot of View Hierarchy. You can clearly see that the content view of the cell is on top of the other views. ):
So all the touches to the UISwitch are intercepted, and the IBAction does not fire.
In iOS8, this is not a problem. See screenshot for iOS 8.4 simulator. You can see that there is no content view on top of the controls:
Has anyone had this problem? I tried remaking the NIB from scratch, but the same result occurs.
My NIB is a freeform size view with No status bar. It has two outlets: one for UILabel, one for UISwitch.
EDIT: please make sure to check the answer below that asks to verify that the cell's root view is not just a UIView but a UITableViewCell. This issue may also be a side effect of this.
After more investigation and searching, i found my solution here: Button in UITableViewCell not responding under ios 7
What fixed it for me was:
cell.contentView.userInteractionEnabled = NO;
This prevents the cell content view from taking over the touch events, even though it's on top of the other views.
This issue was not only happening on iOS9, but on iOS7 as well. In iOS8, the Content view was behind the controls.