
Determine viewWillAppear from Popped UINavigationController or UITabBarController

I am unable to find a way to distinguish between popping from the Nav controller stack and entering the view controller from the UITabBarController.

I want to call a method in ViewWillAppear only when the view is presented from the TabBar, not when someone presses back in the navigation controller.

If I wasn't using a TabBarController, I could easily get this functionally using viewDidLoad.

I've tried,

override func viewWillAppear(animated: Bool) {

    println("View Will Appear")

    if isBeingPresented() {
    if isMovingFromParentViewController() {
    if isMovingToParentViewController() {

But there is no difference when I present from pressing the Tab Button or when press back button.

Only the "View Will Appear" is getting called.

Using iOS 8.4 / Swift


  • Sounds like a good use of the UITabBarControllerDelegate.

    First, add a Bool property on your ViewController comingFromTab:

    class MyViewController: UIViewController {
        var comingFromTab = false
        // ...

    Set your UITabBarControllerDelegate to whatever class you want and implement the method shouldSelectViewController. You may also want to subclass UITabBarController and put them in there.

    func tabBarController(tabBarController: UITabBarController, shouldSelectViewController viewController: UIViewController) -> Bool {
        if let myViewController = viewController as? MyViewController {
            myViewController.comingFromTab = true

    If your tab's initial view controller is a UINavigationController, you will have to unwrap that and access it's first view controller:

    if let navController = viewController as? UINavigationController {
        if let myViewController = navController.viewControllers[0] as? MyViewController {
            // do stuff

    Lastly, add whatever functionality you need in viewWillAppear in your view controller:

    override func viewDidAppear(animated: Bool) {
        // ...
        if comingFromTab {
            // Do whatever you need to do here if coming from the tab selection
            comingFromTab = false