What I'm trying to make is this:
set retry to true
repeat while retry is true
display dialog "In the next window you'll have to choose a color!" buttons {"Cancel", "COLORR!"} cancel button 1 default button 2
set Chosencolor1 to (choose color)
display dialog "The chosen color is: " & Chosencolor1 & " Is this right?" buttons {"NO", "YES"}
if the button returned of the result is "no" then
set retry to true
display dialog "Retry is now: " & retry
set retry to false
display dialog "Retry is now: " & retry
end if
end repeat
But when I run this code it will return a color code as numbers. But what I want is that it will return a color name like: light blue, blue, green etc.
The only way I know is to do something like:
if the chosencolor1 is "000" then
set the chosencolor1 to "Black"
end if
is there any other, more simple way to do this? Or is this just not possible?
From the AppleScript Language Guide for choose color:
Result The selected color, represented as a list of three integers from 0 to 65535 corresponding to the red, green, and blue components of a color; for example, {0, 65535, 0} represents green.
As you have surmised, the only way to get a textual response is to program it yourself using the values of the list that your user chooses.
Here is a very simple example that adds all the values of the chosen RGB integers, and determines if it closer to black or white:
set myColor to choose color
display dialog ("You have chosen: " & my fetchColorName(myColor))
to fetchColorName(clst)
set totalColorValue to ((item 1 of clst) + (item 2 of clst) + (item 3 of clst))
set blackWhiteMidpoint to (196605 / 2)
if totalColorValue < blackWhiteMidpoint then
set colorName to "A color closer to black than white."
set colorName to "A color closer to white than black."
end if
return colorName
end fetchColorName