
C++ Function pointer incorrect types

I need to use the following function but I'm in trouble with the args:

In this case the IP Address is not setting.

cwbCO_SysHandle system;
LPSTR ipAddress = "";
ULONG ipLength = 32;
cwbCO_GetIPAddress(system, ipAddress, &ipLength);

I know I need to pass a pointer to the LPSTR as an argument but setting the following code didn't work either:

cwbCO_SysHandle system;
LPSTR ipAddress = "";
ULONG ipLength = 32;
cwbCO_GetIPAddress(system, &ipAddress, &ipLength); //Incompatible types LPSTR* and LPSTR

What's the correct way?


UINT CWB_ENTRY cwbCO_GetIPAddress(cwbCO_SysHandle system, LPSTR IPAddress, PULONG length );


cwbCO_SysHandle system - input

Handle that previously was returned by cwbCO_CreateSystem or cwbCO_CreateSystemLike. It is the
IBM i identification.

LPSTR IPAddress - output

Pointer to a buffer that will contain the NULL-terminated IP address in dotted-decimal notation (in
the form "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" where each "nnn" is in the range of from 0 to 255).

PULONG length - input/output

Pointer to the length of the IPAddress buffer. If the buffer is too small to hold the output, including
room for the terminating NULL, the size of the buffer


  • I found documentation, cwbCO_GetIPAddress

    The relevant part here is (emphasis added):

    LPSTR IPAddress - output Pointer to a buffer that will contain the NULL-terminated IP address in dotted-decimal notation (in the form "nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn" where each "nnn" is in the range of from 0 to 255).

    So your code should look more like this:

    cwbCO_SysHandle system;
    char ipAddress[32]; //A buffer, not a pointer!
    ULONG ipLength = 32;
    cwbCO_GetIPAddress(system, ipAddress, &ipLength);

    Also, make sure you do initialize your system with cwbCO_CreateSystem or cwbCO_CreateSystemLike.