Good installed foundation 5 just downloading and copying files
Now to move on veriaveis the need fondation have a .scss file however does not have anything on my Symfony2 project to use them
cssrewrite: ~
compass: ~
sass: ~
{% stylesheets "bundles/delivveweb/scss/*" filter="compass" %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}" />
{% endstylesheets %}
he is generating the css file however when you open the file contains the following error:
[exception] 500 | Internal Server Error | Assetic\Exception\FilterException
[message] An error occurred while running:
'/usr/bin/ruby' '/usr/bin/compass' 'compile' '/tmp' '--boring' '--config' '/tmp/assetic_compassl2wvYW' '--sass-dir' '' '--css-dir' '' '/tmp/assetic_compassH8m6D9.scss'
Error Output:
/usr/bin/ruby: No such file or directory -- /usr/bin/compass (LoadError)
I hope someone can help me install it, if it were possible using composer
Type in console:$whereis compass
or which compass
Example output: - compass: /usr/local/bin/compass
Now in config.yml:
bin: /usr/local/bin/compass