I have the following case class:
case class User(name: String, age: String)
I am trying to implement a JSON Reads
converter for it, so I can do the following:
val user = userJson.validate[User]
… but the incoming JSON has slightly different structure:
{ "age": "12", "details": { "name": "Bob" } }
How can I implement my JSON Reads
You can do this using combinators to parse sub-paths.
import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._
case class User(name: String, age: String)
val js = Json.parse("""
{ "age": "12", "details": { "name": "Bob" } }
implicit val reads: Reads[User] = (
(__ \ "details" \ "name").read[String] and
(__ \ "age").read[String]
)(User.apply _)
scala> js.validate[User]
res2: play.api.libs.json.JsResult[User] = JsSuccess(User(Bob,12),)