I'm trying to convert this I think simple mysql query into Doctrine dql, however, Im experience quite a struggle right now...
SELECT (c.prix-aggregates.AVG) AS test
FROM immobilier_ad_blank c
FROM immobilier_ad_blank)
AS aggregates
Purpose of this: creating z-score. Original implementation coming from this question Calculating Z-Score for each row in MySQL? (simple)
I thought about creating an association within the entity, but I mean its not necessary, its only for stats.
Edit: Btw, I dont wanna use raw SQL, I will extract the "subquery" from another query builder expression using getDQL
. Otherwise, I will have to rewrite my dynamic query builder to take in account for rawSQL.
Edit 2: Tried this
$subQb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();
$subQb->addSelect("AVG(subC.prix) as AMEAN")
->from("MomoaIntegrationBundle:sources\Common", "subC");
$subDql = $subQb->getDQL();
$dql = "SELECT c.prix FROM MomoaIntegrationBundle:sources\Common c INNER JOIN ($subDql) AS aggregates";
Raw dql is:
SELECT c.prix FROM MomoaIntegrationBundle:sources\Common c INNER JOIN (SELECT AVG(subC.prix) as AMEAN FROM MomoaIntegrationBundle:sources\Common subC) AS aggregates
Getting this strange error:line 0, col 70 near '(SELECT AVG(subC.prix)': Error: Class '(' is not defined.
Edit 3: I found kinda of a hawkish way to make it work but doctrine is stubborn with its implementation of entities and such and forgot that STATISTICS do NOT need ENTITIES !
$subQb = $this->_em->createQueryBuilder();
$subQb->addSelect("AVG(subC.prix) as AMEAN")
->from("MomoaIntegrationBundle:sources\Common", "subC");
$sql = "SELECT (c.prix-aggregates.sclr_0) AS test FROM immobilier_ad_blank c CROSS JOIN "
. "({$subQb->getQuery()->getSQL()}) AS aggregates";
$stm = $stm = $this->_em->getConnection()->prepare($sql);
$data = $stm->fetchAll();
If you have a better solution, Im all ears ! I actually dislike this solution.
For complex queries you might want to consider bypassing DQL and using a native query - especially since you don't need the result in an entity.
$connection = $em->getConnection();
$statement = $connection->prepare("
select c.prix-aggregates, t1.avg
from immobilier_ad_blank
cross join (
select avg(prix) as avg
from immobilier_ad_blank
) t1
$results = $statement->fetchAll();