I need to develop a TAPI application to instruct PBX to make outbound call. Without the application, an user needs to dial 9, then the specified destination phone number to make a call. Otherwise, the user can only make call to other extension.
What should i do to let the TAPI application perform similar action?
BSTR ppDialableString;
ppDialableString = "0123456789";
hr = pAddress->CreateCall(
if ( hr != S_OK ) return hr;
ppDialableString is the destination number. How should i modify the code segment above to cater for the dial code '9' ?
By the way, the PBX that the application going to communicate with is Panasonic KX-TDA200.
I managed to get it working.
BSTR ppDialableString;
ppDialableString = "9,0123456789";