
VirtualBox Windows 10 64 Bit Host - The VM session was aborted

I'm trying to make a Win 7 64 bit guest machine. When it's time to load the ISO, I try to load it and I get the following error

The VM session was aborted.
Result Code: E_FAIL (0x80004005)
Component: SessionMachine
Interface: ISession {7844aa05-b02e-4cdd-a04f-ade4a762e6b7}

What's a fix for this? Thank you.


  • I have the same issue, and hopefully there will be a bug-fix for it soon.

    In the meantime, I have managed to start the install process (in my case for Linux mint 17.2 rather than windows) by attaching the .iso image in the VirtualBox IDE Storage Settings page rather than the "mount" dialog that causes the error.

    Open the settings for your VM in the VirtualBox UI, go to Storage, click on the "empty" entry in the list of IDE Controllers, and select the disk icon over to the right of the screen. Finally, select to "Choose Virtual Optical Disk File", and select your .iso of choice. Then start the VM and it should boot just fine.

    I hope it helps for your case too!