I want to configure Spring Boot Embedded Servlet Container + GWT. The way I want is either create a jar/war file that just contains the compiled gwt files & static resources. I want to load jars from lib/* and config files from classpath.
I couldn't find any working example. There is one actually, https://github.com/Ekito/spring-boot-gwt, but all the dependencies and configs are still in the war.
Can someone suggest a solution ?
After long search & test, here is the solution that I come up with:
<!-- POM -->
<name>Ekito Spring Boot GWT WebApp</name>
my project structure is is same with original project, https://github.com/Ekito/spring-boot-gwt, except some little changes:
As a result, I have a runable jar, but run by org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher. Single jar works as expected, Tomcat doesnt work as stated here: http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/boot-features-developing-web-applications.html#boot-features-jsp-limitations.
Also, I can move the lib folder outside the jar file, but I in order to set the loader.path
property, I need to put it to application.properties inside the jar file. I should be able to use -Dloader.path but didn't work.
I'll check with spring team. But so far, it's promising.