
Wildfly servers are not listed in eclipse even after installing JBOSS tools


I installed JBOSS tools from market place, the only version listed was JBoss tools 4.3.0 Beta and I installed it.

I restarted the eclipse. When I tried to add runtime environment in the view I could only see the servers related to Apache, Basic and Object Web but no servers related to either JBoss/Wildfly community are listed.

But the same steps worked in Windows' Eclipse Mars.

In Linux, I even tried 'Download additional server adapters' link in eclipse which gave options for many servers like Websphere, Oracle web logic but no options for JBoss/Wildfly.

How to solve this?


  • That's because the JBoss tools in Mars requires Java 8.

    Run the eclipse using Java 8 and it will work. You can change eclipse.ini

    In Linux


    In Windows



    -vm argument should not come after -vmargs.