
Using Javascript to get a list of a user's Jive Permission Groups

I am trying to get a list of a user's Jive SBS permission groups. How would this be done with jQuery?


  • Using the Jive v3 API this isn't so hard. The worst part is that you have to sanitize the result from Jive to make it valid JSON. Thankfully you can use Datafilter.

    // We will use this as our data filter in the AJAX call
    sanitizeJiveJsonResponse: function(response){
        return response.replace("throw 'allowIllegalResourceCall is false.';", '');
    // You can get the logged in user id from the __jive variable. Including any sort     
    // of JS in a Jive widget or tile will cause that code to run from an iframe, so      
    // we're using window.parent to reference it
    var userid = window.parent._jive_current_user.ID;
    if(typeof userid == 'undefined'){
        // Error stuff here
        url: '/api/core/v3/people/' + userid + '/securityGroups',
        context: document.body,
        dataType: 'json',
        dataFilter: function (data, type) {
            return sanitizeJiveJsonResponse(data);
        }).done(function(result) {
            // Your success code here...

    Hope this helps!