How should I be a) defining Custom Attributes and b) getting the said custom attribute assignment in the following scenario?
Scenario: We would like to define a custom attribute (custAtrib1) to be used by inherited class (myClassFoo of a base class (myBase). Then the base class will retrieve the custom attributes assigned to the inherited instance, then perform some operations.
Problem: Whenever GetCustomAttribute is called in the base class against the inherited class, GetCustomAttibutes method only returns a single result (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGlobalScopeAttribute).
Here is how the attributes/classes are defined:
The attribute : (file: myFoo.vb)
Namespace Foo.CustomAttributes
<System.AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple:=True, inherited:=False)> _
Public Class custAttrib1
Inherits System.Attribute
Public Property myAttributeInto as String
End Namespace
Base Class: (file: myBar.vb)
Namespace Foo.Bar
Public Class myBase
Private Sub someCoolCode()
Dim myInstanceType as Type = me.GetType()
Dim custAttribs as Object() = myInstanceType.GetCustomAttributes(False)
'-- at this time, only content of custAttribs array is System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGlobalScopeAttribute)
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Inherited Class: (file: myBar2.vb)
Namespace Foo.Bar
<Foo.CustomAttributes.custAttrib1(myAttributeInfo:="Coding if fun")> _
Public Class myClassFoo
'-- other cool stuff goes there
Public Sub inheritedMethod()
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace
Thank you for your help
The only problem in your code is that you are not inheriting from the base class. Otherwise, it works correctly.
Here is the sample I used to test, including the inheritance and correcting of typos:
Public Class Form1
Sub New()
' This call is required by the designer.
' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.
Dim oClass = New myClassFoo
End Sub
End Class
<System.AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple:=True, inherited:=False)> _
Public Class custAttrib1
Inherits System.Attribute
Public Property myAttributeInfo As String
End Class
Public Class MyBaseClass
Public Sub someCoolCode()
Dim myInstanceType As Type = Me.GetType()
Dim custAttribs As Object() = myInstanceType.GetCustomAttributes(False)
'-- at this time, only content of custAttribs array is System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGlobalScopeAttribute)
Debug.WriteLine(DirectCast(custAttribs(0), custAttrib1).myAttributeInfo)
End Sub
End Class
<custAttrib1(myAttributeInfo:="Coding is fun")> _
Public Class myClassFoo
Inherits MyBaseClass
'-- other cool stuff goes there
Public Sub inheritedMethod()
End Sub
End Class