
Browserify failing with cannot find module "lodash" error for some files

I am running browserify for an app.js located at some path and it fails everytime with cannot find module lodash from [PATH].

Running "browserify:build" (browserify) task
Error: Cannot find module 'lodash' from '/var/lib/jenkins/buildcode/output/mydir/app_store_richUI/cartridge/js'
Warning: Error running grunt-browserify. Use --force to continue.

The [PATH] is same where the app.js file is present. But, if I change the file name to some other js file at same path, it works. So, the scene is that it succeeds for some js file and fails for others at same path.

Can someone suggest something ?

I have the Browserify.js script installed globally.


module.exports = {
        build: {
            files: {
                '<%= settings[""] %>/output/<%= grunt.config("build") %>/app_eyeconic_richUI/cartridge/static/default/js/':'<%= settings[""] %>/output/<%= grunt.config("build") %>/app_eyeconic_richUI/cartridge/js/app.js'

The path is shown correctly in the logs with other files. It fails only with app.js file


  • It was a very trivial issue but took quite some time to resolve. The issue was that the build suite was at a different location than the build source. The browserify task contained require statements and it searches for modules in the parent directories so it was not able to find the required module.

    After copying the build suite at the same path as the source, it worked.

    So currently, my gruntfile.js(and other files/folders in the suite), exports and output directory at are same path.