I have a random function in Stylus:
return floor(math(0, 'random')*(max - min + 1) + min)
I am using it like this to generate a random z-index on an element:
for i in (1..10)
z-index random(-99, 99)
Now I want a conditional on the same element if the z-index is, for example > 0... Is this possible?
Yes, you can do this by saving this random value to the variable and then reusing it both in condition and at z-index
random($min, $max)
return floor(math(0, 'random') * ($max - $min + 1) + $min)
for $i in (1..10)
$random_value = random(-99, 99)
z-index: $random_value
if $random_value > 0
background: lime