If an iPhone app is installed onto an iPad what version of the iPhone app is run? (for auto scaling purposes).
I only have access to an iPad Mini and it appears to display the iPhone 4 version of the app. However in a week I have a showcase where the app will be displayed on iPad 3rd and 4th gens.
Will the app run at iPhone 4 resolution on these iPads as well?
Cheers, Chok
Hope this helps you:
A retina iPad will show an iPhone-only app like it is running on a 3.5" retina iPhone. A non-retina iPad will show an iPhone-only app like it is running on a 3.5" non-retina iPhone.
You can Check the resolution while running on iOS app with Log
NSLog(@"RESOLUTION = %@", NSStringFromCGSize([UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size));
RESOLUTION = {320, 480}
for more details about this :Please refer this Link