
Using Hashids in a for loop jQuery

I'm trying to use the hashids plugin to hash ticket_id within a for loop.

for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
    var hashids = new Hashids("", 5);
    var id = hashids.encode(result[i].ticket_id);

    html += '<tr class="ticketClick" data-url="' + baseURL + id>' [...]

HTML for a table is dynamically generated based on the result passed by an ajax call. When the table row is clicked I redirect to the url in the data-url attribute.

The problem is that hashids doesn't run and therefore id isn't being appended to the url.

The console log of hashids produces:

Hashids {version: "1.0.2", minAlphabetLength: 16, sepDiv: 3.5, guardDiv: 12, errorAlphabetLength: "error: alphabet must contain at least X unique characters"…}

I've searched for the error and didn't find anything...

What I find strange is that if I pass an integer directly into the hashids method like:

var id = hashids.encode(20);

The encode works and returns the expected hash.

A console.log of result[i].ticket_id returns the expected integer, so the for loop is doing it's job properly. Declaring new Hashids() outside the for loop doesn't seem to make a difference. So I'm not sure what's going wrong here. Any suggestions?


  • The problem was caused because of the Ajax function pulling the data in JSON format.


    Parse the value to an integer: parseId(result[i].ticket_id)