
Extra members appearing in work details section of TFS backLog

I have a project on TFS. Team is divided into two Teams(eg. TeamA , TeamB) both Teams have separate working areas defined.

When I click on current iteration in backlog and select TeamA from the top of the page (MyProject/TeamA). All looks good. All work Items showing are Assigned to TeamA members and only TeamA members are appearing in work details area. (On left side)

Now when I select TeamB from the top of the page (MyProject/TeamB). All the members of TeamB are showing but also some members (not all) of TeamB are also showing in backlog. And these members are shown in Work details area section as well. however, only teamB members are shown in capacity section of sprint.

What I want is if I select TeamA from top only works items assigned to this specific team members and specific area path should appear. I want whole different backlog for both teams.

What I have tried. I checked perditions of all members and made sure sigle member are not appearing in multi teams.

What am I missing?


  • Problem was fixed by selecting default area path for TeamB in Area tab of settings page.

    Default area for TeamA was already selected. so, it was not creating problem with TeamA.

    But for TeamB default area was not set.