
XML Schema construct for "Any number of these elements - in any order"

I need to create an XML schema that looks something like this:

<xs:element name="wrapperElement">
        <xs:element type="el1">
        <xs:element type="el2">

        <xs:element type="el3"> 
        <xs:element type="el4">
        <xs:element type="el5">

        <xs:element type="el6">
        <xs:element type="el7">

What I need is a replacement for "WhatGoesHere" such that any number of el3, el4 and el5 can appear in any order. For instance it could contain {el3, el3, el5, el3}

Any idea on how to solve this?


  • You want xs:choice with occurrence constraints:

    <xs:element name="wrapperElement">
          <xs:element name="e11"/>
          <xs:element name="el2"/>
          <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
            <xs:element name="el3"/>
            <xs:element name="el4"/>
            <xs:element name="el5"/>
          <xs:element name="el6"/>
          <xs:element name="el7"/>