This is my dataframe:
customer_name order_dates order_values
1 John 2010-11-01 15
2 Bob 2008-03-25 12
3 Alex 2009-11-15 5
4 John 2012-08-06 15
5 John 2015-05-07 20
Let's say I want to add an order variable that Ranks the highest order value, by name, by max order date, using the last order date at the tie breaker.
So, ultimately the data should look like this:
customer_name order_dates order_values ranked_order_values_by_max_value_date
1 John 2010-11-01 15 3
2 Bob 2008-03-25 12 1
3 Alex 2009-11-15 5 1
4 John 2012-08-06 15 2
5 John 2015-05-07 20 1
Where everyone's single order gets 1, and all subsequent orders are ranked based on the value, and the tie breaker is the last order date getting priority. In this example, John's 8/6/2012 order gets the #2 rank because it was placed after 11/1/2010. The 5/7/2015 order is 1 because it was the biggest. So, even if that order was placed 20 years ago, it should be the #1 Rank because it was John's highest order value.
Does anyone know how I can do this in R? Where I can Rank within a group of specified variables in a data frame?
You can do this pretty cleanly with dplyr
df %>%
group_by(customer_name) %>%
mutate(my_ranks = order(order(order_values, order_dates, decreasing=TRUE)))
Source: local data frame [5 x 4]
Groups: customer_name
customer_name order_dates order_values my_ranks
1 John 2010-11-01 15 3
2 Bob 2008-03-25 12 1
3 Alex 2009-11-15 5 1
4 John 2012-08-06 15 2
5 John 2015-05-07 20 1