
CMD Connect to a network starting with the string

I'm writing a batch file that will automatically connect to a drone wireless network and land the drone. I want my program to work universally on all of these drones but the problem is, each of these drones has a different, unique wireless network name. However, they all do start with "ardrone". I know that I can connect to a network through command prompt by using:

netsh wlan connect name=wifiname

and I have tried:

netsh wlan connect name=ardrone*

The trouble is, such a command returns the message:

There is no profile "ardrone*" assigned to the specified interface.

Is there a way (and it can be more complex than the method I was attempting) that I can search through the available networks for one that starts with "ardrone" and connect to it? (Not a password protected network). Thanks.


  • Im using wlan.xml

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <WLANProfile xmlns="">
            <name>Elkjop Demo</name>
                <keyMaterial>insert wpakey</keyMaterial>

    And inject with batch command netsh wlan add profile filename=wlan.xml

    Will this help you? I guess it will be the solution for the profile error?