I am trying to filter an objectlistview based on a text value in a certain column of my data. I can't figure out how to construct the filter properly. I have been refering to:
http://objectlistview.sourceforge.net/python/features.html http://objectlistview.sourceforge.net/python/majorClasses.html
I am able to get Filter.Head(n) to work sucessfully but not ableto get Filter.TextSearch(objectListView, columns=(), text="") to work because I don't understand what the parameter types are suppost to be.
I have written the below code:
def OnFilterMeter(self,event):
list = self.exception_panel.col_list ## The lenght of my column list
col = list[len(list)-1] ## I want to search the last column
meter_flt = Filter.TextSearch(self.exception_panel,columns = (col), text = "10") ## Create filter to find string 10 in last column
I can't understand why this doesn't work. The program doesn't filter the list when it tries to populate the list view again. At the very least it should show all blanks because it cannot find any items that are equal to "10". Please help. Thank you
Below is my code :
class Display_Manager(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent, id, title):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, title)
self.exception_panel = Exception_Display(self,0)
# self.exception_panel2 = Exception_Display(self,1)
## Setup FileMenu Bar Setup
filemenu= wx.Menu() ## Create Menu Bar
filemenu.Append(ID_LOG,"Login","Login as user with password.") ## Clicking shoudl load a single dailyi report which user selects
filemenu.Append(ID_LOAD,"Load Report","Load Daliy Exception Report") ## Clicking shoudl load a single dailyi report which user selects
filemenu.Append(ID_LOADS,"Load All","Load All Daliy Exception Reports") ## Clicking should load all daily reports in a directory which user selects
filemenu.Append(ID_REFRESH,"Refresh DB","Refresh Database. Overwrites any un saved data.") ## Clicking should refreseh the database and overwrite any unsaved changes
filemenu.Append(ID_SAVE,"Save DB","Saves and commits any changes to database.") ## Clicking will save and commit any changes or new data to the database
filemenu.Append(ID_EXIT,"E&xit"," Terminate the program") ## exit the program
## Setup Edit Menu Bar
editmenu = wx.Menu()
editmenu.Append(ID_ADD,"Add","Add Exception")
editmenu.Append(ID_DELETE,"Delete","Delete Exception")
editmenu.Append(ID_UNDO,"Stepback DB","Go back to a previous version of the database")
editmenu.Append(ID_REDO,"Stepfoward DB","Go foward to a previous version of the database")
## Setup Report Menu
reportmenu = wx.Menu()
reportmenu.Append(ID_REPORT,"Exception Report","Generate an Excel Report of selected exceptions.")
reportmenu.Append(ID_REPORT2,"Meter Report","Generate an Excel Report of selected exceptions.")
reportmenu.Append(ID_REPORT3,"Transformer Report","Generate an Excel Report of selected exceptions.")
## Setup Bucket Menu
bucketmenu = wx.Menu()
bucketmenu.Append(ID_METERPROB,"Meter Problem","Place the meter in the meter problem bucket.")
bucketmenu.Append(ID_LOWVOLT,"Investigate Low Voltage","Place the meter in the investigate bucket.")
bucketmenu.Append(ID_TURNS,"Turns Ratio","Place the meter in the turns ratio bucket.")
## Setup Configure Menu Menu
configmenu = wx.Menu()
configmenu.Append(ID_FILTER,"Set Filters","Filter by district and company.")
configmenu.Append(ID_SAVEFIL,"Save Filters","Save Filters for Later use.")
configmenu.Append(ID_LOADFIL,"Load Filters","Load Filters for Later use.")
## Add file menu bar
menuBar = wx.MenuBar()
menuBar.Append(editmenu, "&Edit")
menuBar.Append(reportmenu, "&Reports")
menuBar.Append(configmenu, "&Config")
menuBar.Append(bucketmenu, "&Bucket")
## Create Toolbar
tb = self.CreateToolBar( wx.TB_HORIZONTAL | wx.NO_BORDER |
wx.TB_FLAT | wx.TB_TEXT)
tb.AddSimpleTool(10, wx.Bitmap('images/database.png'), 'Save Database')
tb.AddSimpleTool(20, wx.Bitmap('images/excel.png'), 'Get Quick Excel Report')
tb.AddSimpleTool(70, wx.Bitmap('images/analyze.png'), 'Analyze Selected Exceptions')
tb.AddSimpleTool(71, wx.Bitmap('images/refresh.png'), 'Refresh Selected Relationships')
tb.AddSimpleTool(30, wx.Bitmap('images/today.png'), 'Filter only the latest data.')
tb.AddSimpleTool(40, wx.Bitmap('images/all_time.png'), 'Filter All Data from all time')
tb.AddSimpleTool(41, wx.Bitmap('images/date_range.png'), 'Select a date range to view data over')
tb.AddSimpleTool(50, wx.Bitmap('images/AMI_Meter.png'), 'Bucket as meter problem')
tb.AddSimpleTool(60, wx.Bitmap('images/violation.png'), 'Bucket to District')
tb.AddSimpleTool(61, wx.Bitmap('images/turns.png'), 'Bucket Turns Ratio')
tb.AddSimpleTool(62, wx.Bitmap('images/plan.png'), 'Bucket for further review for planning engineer')
tb.AddSimpleTool(63, wx.Bitmap('images/cyme.png'), 'Load CYME model for specific meter')
tb.AddSimpleTool(64, wx.Bitmap('images/relate_dot.png'), 'Cluster & Relate Meter Exceptions')
tb.AddSimpleTool(65, wx.Bitmap('images/bucket_m.png'), 'Filter Meter Bucket')
tb.AddSimpleTool(66, wx.Bitmap('images/bucket_v.png'), 'Filter Violation Bucket')
tb.AddSimpleTool(67, wx.Bitmap('images/bucket_t.png'), 'Filter Turns Ratio Bucket')
tb.AddSimpleTool(68, wx.Bitmap('images/bucket_p.png'), 'Filter Planning Bucket')
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL,self.OnRefresh,id =71)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL,self.OnAnalyze,id =70)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL,self.OnSave,id =10)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL,self.OnBucketMeter,id =50)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL,self.OnVioMeter,id =60)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL,self.OnTurnsMeter,id =61)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL,self.OnPlanMeter,id =62)
self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL,self.OnFilterMeter,id =65)
# self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL,self.OnFilterMeter,id =66)
# self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL,self.OnFilterMeter,id =67)
# self.Bind(wx.EVT_TOOL,self.OnFilterMeter,id =68)
## Create Sizers
# self.main_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.VERTICAL)
# self.top_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
# self.bottom_sizer = wx.BoxSizer(wx.HORIZONTAL)
# self.main_sizer.Add(self.top_sizer,0,wx.EXPAND)
# self.main_sizer.Add(self.bottom_sizer,0,wx.EXPAND)
## Show the frame
# self.SetSizer(self.main_sizer)
def OnSave(self,event):
print "ON Save"
def OnRefresh(self,event):
print "OnRelate"
def OnAnalyze(self,event):
objectList = self.exception_panel.GetSelectedObjects() ## Get list of selected objects to relate in the database
for object in objectList:
print object
# print self.GetValueAt(self.GetObjectAt(event.rowIndex),event.subItemIndex)
# self.temp_value = event.editor.GetValue()
print "OnAnalze"
def OnFilterDate1(self,event):
print "on Filter date"
def OnFilterDate2(self,event):
print "on Filter date"
def OnFilterDate3(self,event):
print "on Filter date"
def OnFilterMeter(self,event):
list = self.exception_panel.col_list
col = list[len(list)-1]
# meter_flt = Filter.Head(10)
meter_flt = Filter.TextSearch(self.exception_panel,columns = (col), text = "10")
# self.exception_panel.Refresh()
# self.exception_panel.populate()
# self.exception_panel.SetObjects(qrty_meters_excpt)
# self.exception_panel.populate()
print "On Filter Meter"
def OnBucketMeter(self,event):
objectList = self.exception_panel.GetSelectedObjects()
for object in objectList:
print object
object.known_flags = 20 ## Meter Mismatch Flag Known ***ffa500
def OnVioMeter(self,event):
objectList = self.exception_panel.GetSelectedObjects()
for object in objectList:
object.known_flags = 10 ## Meter Mismatch Flag Known ***ffa500
def OnTurnsMeter(self,event):
objectList = self.exception_panel.GetSelectedObjects()
for object in objectList:
object.known_flags = 30 ## Meter Mismatch Flag Known ***ffa500
def OnPlanMeter(self,event):
objectList = self.exception_panel.GetSelectedObjects()
for object in objectList:
object.known_flags = 40 ## Meter Mismatch Flag Known ***ffa500
def ColorBuckets(self): ## Color All Buckets according to knowflags
## Query the session for only items that have know_flags greate than 0
qrty_color_buckets = session.query(Exception).filter(Exception.known_flags != "").all()
print qrty_color_buckets
for exception in qrty_color_buckets:
print exception.known_flags == 10
flag = int(exception.known_flags) ## alias the flag
if flag == 20: ## Meter Mismatch
self.exception_panel.SetItemBackgroundColour(self.exception_panel.GetIndexOf(exception),'#ffa500') ## Oranage
elif flag == 10: ## Violation
self.exception_panel.SetItemBackgroundColour(self.exception_panel.GetIndexOf(exception),'#ff0000') ## Red
elif flag == 30: ## Turns Ratio
self.exception_panel.SetItemBackgroundColour(self.exception_panel.GetIndexOf(exception),'#0066CC') ## Blue
elif flag == 40: ## Plan referal
self.exception_panel.SetItemBackgroundColour(self.exception_panel.GetIndexOf(exception),'#FFFF00') ## Yellow
Please see the function OnFilterMeter.
The following works for me, it does a search on the second column and it shows just one matching entry.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import datetime
import wx
import wx.lib.sized_controls as SC
import ObjectListView as OLV
class MyData:
def __init__(self, year, month, day, level, sets, reps):
self.date = datetime.date(year, month, day)
self.level = level
self.sets = sets
self.reps = reps
def GetDate(self):
return self.date
def GetLevel(self):
return self.level
def GetSets(self):
return self.sets
def GetRepetitions(self):
return self.reps
class MyListCtrl(OLV.GroupListView):
def __init__(self, parent):
super(MyListCtrl, self).__init__(parent, wx.ID_ANY, style=wx.LC_REPORT)
meter_flt = OLV.Filter.TextSearch(self, columns=self.columns[2:3],
def _DataObjects(self):
return [MyData(2010,10,8, 1, 2, 3),
MyData(2005,10,10, 7, 2, 3),
MyData(2010,10,3, 2, 2, 3),
MyData(2012,10,10, 1, 2, 3),
MyData(2014,10,10, 1, 2, 3)
def _ColumnDefinitions(self):
return [OLV.ColumnDefn('Date', valueGetter='GetDate', groupKeyGetter='GetDate'),
OLV.ColumnDefn('Level', valueGetter='GetLevel', width=150),
OLV.ColumnDefn('Sets', valueGetter='GetSets', width=100, groupKeyGetter='GetSets'),
OLV.ColumnDefn('Reps', valueGetter='GetRepetitions', width=200)]
class MyFrame(SC.SizedFrame):
def __init__(self):
super(MyFrame, self).__init__(None)
pane = self.GetContentsPane()
olv = MyListCtrl(pane)
olv.SetSizerProps(expand=True, proportion=1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
import wx.lib.mixins.inspection as WIT
app = WIT.InspectableApp()
win = MyFrame()