
Flotr2 different colors for two sets of data

I've merged positive and negative data to one data set called yAxis (multiple columns for both positive and negative). Here's the code:


var yAxis = [wololoTotalValues];
var xAxis = wololoTotalKeys;

window.onload = function () {
    Flotr.draw(document.getElementById("chart"), yAxis, {
        title: "wololo",
        bars: {
            show: true,
            barWidth: 0.8
        yaxis: {
            min: 0,
            max: wololoMaxValue + 10,
            tickDecimals: 0
        xaxis: {
            ticks: xAxis

<div id='chart' style="width:1200px;height:500px;"></div>

Here's how it looks like now

I would like 'bad' and 'ble' to be red. I found some manuals how to handle this problem with flot, but not flotr(flotr2).

Is there any way to make it somehow like below? Or maybe I must split the data like here?

colors: (yAxis[0-lastGood] : "#0000FF"), (yAxis[lastGood+1-lastBad] : "#FF0000")


  • Okay, found the solution, splitting the data into two arrays helped. Code is below:

                var gud = [];
                for(i=0; i<wololoLengthGood; i++){
                    gud.push([i, wololoValuesGood[i]]);
                var bad = [];
                for(i=wololoLengthGood; i<wololoLengthGood+wololoLengthBad; i++){
                    bad.push([i, wololoValuesBad[i-wololoLengthGood]]);
                window.onload = function () {
                    [{                         // replacement of 'yAxis' from here
                        data: gud,
                        color: "#0000FF"
                        data: bad,
                        color: "#FF0000"
                    }],                        // till here.