
Square Root of a Singular Matrix in R

I need to compute the matrix A on the power of -1/2, which basically means the square root of the initial matrix's inverse.

If A is singular then the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse is computed with the ginv function from the MASS package, otherwise the regular inverse is computed using the solve function.

Matrix A is defined below:

A <- structure(c(604135780529.807, 0, 58508487574887.2, 67671936726183.9, 
            0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 58508487574887.2, 0, 10663900590720128, 
            10874631465443760, 0, 0, 67671936726183.9, 0, 10874631465443760, 
            11315986615387788, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1), .Dim = c(6L, 

I check singularity with the comparison of the rank and the dimension.

rankMatrix(A) == nrow(A)

The above code returns FALSE, So I have to use ginv to get the inverse. The inverse of A is as follows:

A_inv <- ginv(A)

The square-root of the inverse matrix is computed with the sqrtm function from the expm package.


The function returns the following error:

Error in solve.default(X[ii, ii] + X[ij, ij], S[ii, ij] - sumU) :
Lapack routine zgesv: system is exactly singular

So how can we compute the square root in this case? Please note that matrix A is not always singular so we have to provide a general solution for the problem.


  • Your question relates to two distinct problems:

    1. Inverse of a matrix
    2. Square root of a matrix


    The inverse does not exist for singular matrices. In some applications, the Moore-Penrose or some other generalised inverse may be taken as a suitable substitute for the inverse. However, note that computer numerics will incur rounding errors in most cases; and these errors may make a singular matrix appear regular to the computer or vice versa.

    If A always exhibits the the block structure of the matrix you give, I suggest to consider only its non-diagonal block

    A3 = A[ c( 1, 3, 4 ), c( 1, 3, 4 ) ]
                 [,1]         [,2]         [,3]
    [1,] 6.041358e+11 5.850849e+13 6.767194e+13
    [2,] 5.850849e+13 1.066390e+16 1.087463e+16
    [3,] 6.767194e+13 1.087463e+16 1.131599e+16

    instead of all of A for better efficiency and less rounding issues. The remaining 1-diagonal entries would remain 1 in the inverse of the square root, so no need to clutter the calculation with them. To get an impression of the impact of this simplification, note that R can calculate

    A3inv = solve(A3)

    while it could not calculate

    Ainv = solve(A)

    But we will not need A3inverse, as will become evident below.

    Square root

    As a general rule, the square root of a matrix A will only exist if the matrix has a diagonal Jordan normal form (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jordan_normal_form). Hence, there is no truly general solution of the problem as you require.

    Fortunately, like “most” (real or complex) matrices are invertible, “most” (real or complex) matrices have a diagonal complex Jordan normal form. In this case, the Jordan normal form

    A3 = T·J·T⁻¹

    can be calculated in R as such:

    X = eigen(A3)
    T = X$vectors
    J = Diagonal( x=X$values )

    To test this recipe, compare

    Tinv = solve(T)
    T %*% J %*% Tinv

    with A3. They should match (up to rounding errors) if A3 has a diagonal Jordan normal form.

    Since J is diagonal, its squareroot is simply the diagonal matrix of the square roots

    Jsqrt = Diagonal( x=sqrt( X$values ) )

    so that Jsqrt·Jsqrt = J. Moreover, this implies

    (T·Jsqrt·T⁻¹)² = T·Jsqrt·T⁻¹·T·Jsqrt·T⁻¹ = T·Jsqrt·Jsqrt·T⁻¹ = T·J·T⁻¹ = A3

    so that in fact we obtain

    √A3 = T·Jsqrt·T⁻¹

    or in R code

    A3sqrt = T %*% Jsqrt %*% Tinv

    To test this, calculate

    A3sqrt %*% A3sqrt

    and compare with A3.

    Square root of the inverse

    The square root of the inverse (or, equally, the inverse of the sqare root) can be calculated easily once a diagonal Jordan normal form has been calculated. Instead of J use

    Jinvsqrt = Diagonal( x=1/sqrt( X$values ) )

    and calculate, analogously to above,

    A3invsqrt = T %*% Jinvsqrt %*% Tinv

    and observe

    A3·A3invsqrt² = … = T·(J/√J/√J)·T⁻¹ = 1

    the unit matrix so that A3invsqrt is the desired result.

    In case A3 is not invertible, a generalised inverse (not necessarily the Moore-Penrose one) can be calculated by replacing all undefined entries in Jinvsqrt by 0, but as I said above, this should be done with suitable care in the light of the overall application and its stability against rounding errors.

    In case A3 does not have a diagonal Jordan normal form, there is no square root, so the above formulas will yield some other result. In order not to run into this case at times of bad luck, best implement a test whether

    A3invsqrt %*% A3 %*% A3invsqrt

    is close enough to what you would consider a 1 matrix (this only applies if A3 was invertible in the first place).

    PS: Note that you can prefix a sign ± for each diagonal entry of Jinvsqrt to your liking.