I have some multiplatform library which is using some C++ stream interface. I have to use this stream interface to upload data by NSURLSession
. My implementation should work on OS X and iOS (currently I'm testing on OS X)
Task looks quite simple and I was sure I will implement this quite fast.
I have configured NSURLSession
which is working fine if I'm using NSURLRequest
with simple NSData
I'm trying to use stream like this:
NSURLSessionDataTask *dataTask = [m_Private.session uploadTaskWithStreamedRequest: request];
HTTPDownoadTaskProxy *dataTaskProxy = [HTTPDownoadTaskProxy new];
// store data to properly handle delegate
dataTaskProxy.coreTask = dataTask;
dataTaskProxy.cppRequest= req;
dataTaskProxy.cppResponseHandler = handler;
dataTaskProxy.cppErrorHandler = errorHandler;
m_Private.streamedDataTasks[dataTask] = dataTaskProxy;
[dataTask resume];
So far so good. According to documentation of uploadTaskWithStreamedRequest
I should receive notification from delegate and I do receive it:
- (void)URLSession: (NSURLSession *)session
task: (NSURLSessionTask *)task
needNewBodyStream: (void (^)(NSInputStream *bodyStream))completionHandler
HTTPDownoadTaskProxy *proxyTask = self.streamedDataTasks[task];
CppInputStreamWrapper *objcInputStream = [[CppInputStreamWrapper alloc] initWithCppInputStream:proxyTask.cppRequest.GetDataStream()];
Now I should receive calls in subclass of NSInputStream
which is in my case CppInputStreamWrapper
, and also it is quite simple:
@implementation CppInputStreamWrapper
- (void)dealloc {
NSLog(@"%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
- (instancetype)initWithCppInputStream: (const std::tr1::shared_ptr<IInputStream>&) cppInputStream
if (self = [super init]) {
_cppInputStream = cppInputStream;
return self;
#pragma mark - overrides for NSInputStream
- (NSInteger)read:(uint8_t *)buffer maxLength:(NSUInteger)len {
return (NSInteger)self.cppInputStream->Read(buffer, len);
- (BOOL)getBuffer:(uint8_t **)buffer length:(NSUInteger *)len {
return NO;
- (BOOL)hasBytesAvailable {
return !self.cppInputStream->IsEOF();
#pragma mark - this methods are need to be overridden to make stream working
- (void)scheduleInRunLoop:(__unused NSRunLoop *)aRunLoop
forMode:(__unused NSString *)mode
- (void)removeFromRunLoop:(__unused NSRunLoop *)aRunLoop
forMode:(__unused NSString *)mode
#pragma mark - Undocumented CFReadStream Bridged Methods
- (void)_scheduleInCFRunLoop:(__unused CFRunLoopRef)aRunLoop
forMode:(__unused CFStringRef)aMode
- (void)_unscheduleFromCFRunLoop:(__unused CFRunLoopRef)aRunLoop
forMode:(__unused CFStringRef)aMode
- (BOOL)_setCFClientFlags:(__unused CFOptionFlags)inFlags
callback:(__unused CFReadStreamClientCallBack)inCallback
context:(__unused CFStreamClientContext *)inContext {
return NO;
So I'm using workaround needed when subclassing NSInputStream
Now this should work. But I'm not receiving any call of methods of CppInputStreamWrapper
(except for my call when construction object).
No errors no warning are reported, nothing!
When I've added exception breakpoint I'm catching
thread #8: tid = 0x155cb3, 0x00007fff8b770743 libobjc.A.dylib`objc_exception_throw, name = 'com.apple.NSURLConnectionLoader', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
This comes from thread com.apple.NSURLConnectionLoader
which I didn't create.
I'm totally puzzled and have no idea what else I can do.
I've used code form link in comment which is hosted on github. Now at least some parts of my class are invoked by framework, but I see strange crash.
Crash is located in this method:
- (BOOL)_setCFClientFlags:(CFOptionFlags)inFlags
context:(CFStreamClientContext *)inContext {
if (inCallback != NULL) {
requestedEvents = inFlags;
copiedCallback = inCallback;
memcpy(&copiedContext, inContext, sizeof(CFStreamClientContext));
if (copiedContext.info && copiedContext.retain) {
copiedCallback((__bridge CFReadStreamRef)self, kCFStreamEventHasBytesAvailable, &copiedContext); // CRASH HERE
} else {
requestedEvents = kCFStreamEventNone;
copiedCallback = NULL;
if (copiedContext.info && copiedContext.release) {
memset(&copiedContext, 0, sizeof(CFStreamClientContext));
return YES;
(when running tests on OS X). when I see this code everything looks fine. It should work! self
is pointing to proper object with retain count 3 so I have no idea why it is crashing.
Undocumented private bridging API is not the only problem in custom NSInputStream implementation especially in the context of CFNetworking integration. I'd like to recommend to use my POSInputStreamLibrary as basic building block. Instead of implementing a lot of NSInputStream methods and supporting async notifications you should implement much simpler POSBlobInputStreamDataSource interface. At least you can look at POSBlobInputStream to consult what kind of functionality you should implement to support NSInputStream contract completely.
POSInputStreamLibrary is used in the most popular Russian cloud storage service Cloud Mail.Ru and uploads >1M files per day without any crashes.
Good luck and feel free to ask any questions.