
ES6 import from root

I'm currently playing around with React Native. I'm trying to structure my app, however it's starting to get messy with imports.

    -- /components
        -- Loading.js
    -- index.ios.js

Now, within my index.ios.js i'm able to simply do:

import Loading from './components/Loading';

However, when I start to create more components, with a deeper directory struture, it starts to get messy:

import Loading from '.../../../../components/Loading';

I understand the preferred solution would be to make private npm modules for things, but that's overkill for a small project.

You could do a global.requireRoot type solution on the browser, but how do I implement this with import?


  • Had the same issue with React. So i wrote some plugin for babel which make it possible to import the modules from the root perspective - the paths are not shorter - but it's clear what you import.

    So instead of:

    import 'foo' from '../../../components/foo.js';

    You can use:

    import 'foo' from '~/components/foo.js';

    Here is the Plugin (tested and with a clear README)