I Have one soap service which gives me the response in the following format
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<ns2:getUsersResponse xmlns:ns2="http://soap.com/">
I want convert this into java objects of class given below.
class User {
String uid ;
String email;
String fisrtName;
String lastName;
By using Xpath , I am not getting the right way to do ??
Why don't you use a Web Service framework like Axis2 or CXF?
Or simply use "wsgen" and JAX-WS annotations?
Here are a few tutorials:
You'll want to start by running wsgen (or equivalent) on your web service's WSDL. You probably don't want to manually hand-code your Java by reverse-engineering specific SOAP responses.
The tutorials above should make this clearer...