I am using gulp minifyCss to minify my css to reduce filesize. My gulp task looks something like this:
gulp.task('minify-css', function() {
return gulp.src('styles/*.css')
.pipe(concatCss("all.css").on('error', standardHandler))
.pipe(minifyCss().on('error', standardHandler))
It works fine and output as expected. However, it does not remove special comments /*! comment */
How can I get minifyCss to have special comments removed?
You should set keepSpecialComments option:
gulp.task('minify-css', function() {
return gulp.src('styles/*.css')
.pipe(concatCss("all.css").on('error', standardHandler))
.pipe(minifyCss({keepSpecialComments : 0}).on('error', standardHandler))